Hanging Heart


A beautiful decorative hanging heart, with a hang-tied ribbon bow and hanging loop



Hanging Heart: Instructions

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Step 1:

  • Iron on interfacing onto jersey fabric

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Step 2: Cut out pattern and fabric

  • Trace off the heart pattern to make card templates and use this to mark out the heart shape on your fabric

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Step 3:

  • Place the fabric right sides together and sew, leaving a gap along one side for stuffing

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Step 4:

  • Trim seams to 1/4”, snipping into the peak at the heart top and the point at the heart bottom

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Step 5: Fill and close

  • Turn the trimmed heart the right way out and stuff firmly with the polyester stuffing

  • Carefully close the opening with ladder stitch

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Step 6: Attach ribbon

  • Fold a 25cm piece of ribbon in half, turn under the raw edges and sew in place to the top of the heart with a button

  • Tie a bow from the remaining ribbon and stitch it to the heart just above the button.

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