Scrub Hats


A short pictorial guide to making scrub hats (tied)

Written by George Lavarack

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  1. Starting with the hat back piece, stitch a double roll hem on the bottom straight edge (allowance is 2cm in total)

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2. Overlock the raw edges (if no overlocker is available leave raw for now, there is an alternative finish at the end to hide these)

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3. Next stitch the front pieces right sides together using a 1cm seam allowance, leaving a small gap (approx. 10cm) at the back curved edge

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4. Trim the corners (see image), and add some snips into the seam allowance on the curved edges for a less bulky finish

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5. Turn the front pieces the correct way and press for a neater finish, also press the gap in by 1cm

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6. Pin the centre of the back curved piece to the centre of the front back edge first, then pin the rest of the back piece to the front piece

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7. Once pinned check that the back piece, bottom edges match up evenly and they haven’t been over stretched on the curves before stitching.

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8. Stitch the back piece using a 1cm seam allowance

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9. From the correct side top stitch the seam trapping in the seam allowance to secure and strengthen the seam. If you have no overlocker you can trim the raw edges here first and trap them into the top-stitched seam.

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10. Hat is now complete and a size label can be added to finish if required